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Tone Clusters: the Joyce Carol Oates discussion group archive

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

RE: JCO: Test

How strange, the messages from this list never make it to my inbox (since
Dec 27). I get them fine through my hotmail account, but not the other.
Another mystery of the internet, I guess.

>From: "Jane"
>Reply-To: jco@usfca.edu
>Subject: JCO: Test
>Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2005 10:45:25 -0600
>I haven't been receiving messages through email, although I can see on
>the toneclusters blog that messages have been sent. I'm trying to see if
>this comes through to my email. Please ignore.
>Tone Clusters: The Joyce Carol Oates discussion group
>To send a message to the group, email jco@usfca.edu
>To subscribe, email majordomo@usfca.edu: subscribe jco
>To unsubscribe, email majordomo@usfca.edu: unsubscribe jco

Tone Clusters: The Joyce Carol Oates discussion group

To send a message to the group, email jco@usfca.edu
To subscribe, email majordomo@usfca.edu: subscribe jco
To unsubscribe, email majordomo@usfca.edu: unsubscribe jco