Re: JCO: Re: Black Water
Hi, Katie. I'd like to recommend her short story collections: The Wheel of
Love (available thru public libraries), Heat, Will You Always Love Me? and I Am
No One You Know.
Black Water is a novella. When I interviewed JCO about it, we mainly
talked about the issue of capital punishment. I believe her first treatment of
that issue was in the story "Legacy," collected in her first short story book:
"By The North Gate."
There was a fairly detailed discussion of By the North Gate in Tone Cluster
during the late summer of 2004. Anyone interested could probably find it on
the site.
You remember that Kelly was especially opposed to the death sentence.
The cruel irony of Black Water is that she dies in a situation similar to a gas
chamber execution: slow suffocation.
In a message dated 1/20/2006 4:51:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
<< hanks for the suggestion. I do do sort of that type of thing. At the end
every year we get a reading list which 4-5 books we are required to read
based on our class. There is also a suggested reading list that is attached.
This past summer, I was not required to read any of the books on the
reading list so I did it by myself. I was happy with my decision because i
ended up reading excellent books like The Color Purple and One Flew Over
Cuckoos Nest. For now, I am reading JCOs books to study her in my class.
Are they
any books that anybody recommends that they feel were especailly good? I
have the book What I Lived For as my next book to read, but i would like to
more. Thanks!!!!
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