JCO: JCO on BBC Radio today (12 noon GMT)
Sunday 28 October
BBC RADIO 3 12:00
"Private Passions"
Michael Berkeley talks to American writer Joyce Carol Oates, one of the most
prolific of contemporary novelists and a professor at Princeton University.
Her latest novel, The Gravedigger's Daughter, deals with some of her
favourite themes - race, immigration, family and social mobility. Two pieces
of music mentioned in the book - Beethoven's Appassionata soata, and a Fauré
cello sonata - are among her choices. [from Radio Times]
Radio 3 can be listened to over the Internet - www.bbc.co.uk/radio3. After
the broadcast, hopefully the programme will be available as "listen again"
streams or as a podcast for a short period - I think up to 7 days.
N.B. for those outside the UK - British clocks went back last night, so
local time is now the same as GMT.
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