Re: JCO: story
Hi, Randy. I recall the story "The Skull" in Harpers a few years back, but
this is a new one. I'll have to renew my subscription. Which issue was it?
In a message dated 12/9/2004 2:18:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
<< Does this sound familiar to anyone:
"A short story by Joyce Carol Oates in Harper's Magazine perhaps. It said
something like this: "Women have a proclivity to be beaten by men." The story is
about a young girl wandering in Connecticut countryside. She has a girlfriend
whose Mom is beaten often by her alcoholic Father. The word proclivity was
Randy >>
Tone Clusters: The Joyce Carol Oates discussion group
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this is a new one. I'll have to renew my subscription. Which issue was it?
In a message dated 12/9/2004 2:18:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
<< Does this sound familiar to anyone:
"A short story by Joyce Carol Oates in Harper's Magazine perhaps. It said
something like this: "Women have a proclivity to be beaten by men." The story is
about a young girl wandering in Connecticut countryside. She has a girlfriend
whose Mom is beaten often by her alcoholic Father. The word proclivity was
Randy >>
Tone Clusters: The Joyce Carol Oates discussion group
To send a message to the group, email
To subscribe, email subscribe jco
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