Re: JCO: RE: Female of the Species
Hi, Kim. It was a surprisingly brief review, but then I've read only some of
the stories in various magazines. The "cheap thrills" remark seemed a bit
off to me. As I said to Katie earlier today, the stories are my favorite part
of JCO's work. I think that she works up some of her ideas in various stories
and then gives them a lengthly treatment in her novels -- although many of her
best, most memorable stories, notably Where Are You Going Where Have You
Been, stand alone as unique reading experiences.
In a message dated 1/22/2006 8:51:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
<< Randy,
Thanks for posting this link. All in all it's not a bad review though I
can't agree with the reviewer that JCO's short stories don't measure up to
her novels. I first encountered JCO through her short stories and still
devour them whole whenever I come across a new one.
Kim >>
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