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Tone Clusters: the Joyce Carol Oates discussion group archive

Friday, August 17, 2007

Re: JCO: Zombie (Spoil Alert)


Quentin does not reappear in any other Oates work, he
is a completely stand-alone character.

I too recently re-read Zombie and was hugely impressed
by it. Now you mention it I recall the counting of
time with stones in Zombie but had not tied that in
with The Gravedigger's Daughter which I am close to

Best wishes

Robert - England

--- "Provencher, Nicole D"
<ndprovencher@lake.ollusa.edu> wrote:

> Zombie -
> I read Zombie this evening. I was wondering if
> anyone had any ideas as to how this story "fits in"
> with Oates' other works? I have not read Oates
> chronologically or in any particular order (it seems
> more like the books just come to me) and I was
> disturbed by this work more than any other I have
> read. While many of Oates' stories involving female
> protagonists end with the feeling that the female
> will go on with her life and find a way to keep
> living, the idea of Quentin allowed to live and
> plotting and planning is very upsetting. Is this
> male (killer) character revisited in any other other
> works that you have run across? Any ideas on this
> novel anyone wants to discuss?
> Also, I noticed that Quentin counts time in this
> work by placing stones on the air-conditioner by the
> window. Rebecca does the same thing to count time
> in The Grave Digger's Daughter. A little detail -
> but I found it interesting that it appeared in two
> completely different characters - has anyone seen
> this in other works?
> - Nicole (Texas)

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