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Tone Clusters: the Joyce Carol Oates discussion group archive

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Re: JCO: New story: Spider Boy and BY THE NORTH GATE

I think you're right about that, but it seems like a "blurted out" response
that he gives the police. It's not really a conscious careful decision- like
Freaky Green Eyes his wild "undisciplined" side is what does the good, not
his rational "better self"- read, better behaved self. Impulsive misbehavior
turns out to serve the purpose of protecting himself and others from his

on 9/18/04 10:02 AM, Cyranomish@aol.com at Cyranomish@aol.com wrote:

> Hi, Ted. Yes, I think anger at his mother is important -- but the key motive
> is Phillip's memories of the lost hitchhiker boys, particularly the one
> nicknamed Spider Boy. In this story -- as in last year's "Fruit Cellar" --
> the
> child who discovers Dad's secret predatory sex life realizes on some level
> that
> the victimized child is a substitute for him/herself. In other words, Dad
> attacks other kids in lieu of his own kids. I think Phillip's identifying
> with
> the victims ("It could have been me!) is what moves him to "betray" his
> parents.
> Phillip realizes that his parents are not reliable people -- in fact, they
> are dangerous.
> Cyrano
> In a message dated 9/18/2004 12:25:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> music@thenightshades.com writes:
> << I'm struck that what makes Phillip spill the beans to the police is his
> impulsive anger at his mother.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Tone Clusters: The Joyce Carol Oates discussion group
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Tone Clusters: The Joyce Carol Oates discussion group

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