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Tone Clusters: the Joyce Carol Oates discussion group archive

Friday, June 20, 2008

RE: JCO: Trouble Sending Story

Hi Everyone:
OK, the story should have come through by now, and it hasn't.  I've sent it three times, twice just using jco@usfca.edu as in the reply line, and once using owner-jco@usfca.edu as in the From line below.  Based on how long it takes my other messages to get through, it should have made it by now.  I don't know why these messages that I send wouldn't show up when my other messages do.  Randy, is there any possibility that the fact that the story content has been through several computers and servers means that it has picked up something that your software thinks it should block?
Anyway, if you've got the story, Cyrano, maybe you can try sending it.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-jco@usfca.edu [mailto:owner-jco@usfca.edu]On Behalf Of jandsmerritt
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2008 8:09 AM
To: jco@usfca.edu
Subject: RE: JCO: On this day in 1938 Joyce Carol Oates was born.

Hi Cyrano:
I sent it, but for some reason it doesn't seem to have come through.  I'll try again.

Hi, Steve.  Yes, email it, please, Steve.  It was a lot of fun.  I thought you were the alpha & omega on that project.  ;> }  Nice job!
In a message dated 6/18/2008 8:17:04 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, jandsmerritt@earthlink.net writes:
Hi Cyrano:
I plead guilty to being first and last contributor.  I've found the story and can e-mail it later in the day.  JCO certainly doesn't need to fear the competition, but we did manage to pack in an awful lot of allusions to her work.

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