Tone Clusters moving to Google Groups
After more than 10 years of having this discussion group managed in
the same way, it is past time to make a change.
The discussion will be moved to "Google Groups."
I'm making this change for both you as members, and me as manager. The
system currently running the group is very old in technology terms,
and it is increasingly difficult to manage spam, and the separate
message archive.
Under Google Groups, you will still be able to receive messages via
email, as you do now; but you can also view messages on the web site,
where they will be automatically archived.
I will have to ask you to subscribe to the new group -- and if you
wish to post messages you will have to sign up for a free Google
account. Though there is no "cost," signing up for an account is the
price of doing business here.
I understand that making this change will cause us to lose members,
for a number of reasons, but I think in the long term it is the best
thing to do for the group.
The new group page is located here:
I will be sending out a subscription invitation to each of you. I hope
to see you there soon!
If you have questions or comments about this topic, please email me
Many thanks, and I hope to see you all in the new group very soon!