Re: JCO: 9/11 fiction
----- Original Message -----
> Aside from those two outstanding examples, I haven't come upon any
> memorable story or novel that directly deals with 9/11. But I'll bet
> someone out
> there in Tone Clusters land can provide some other examples.
I recommend "Only Partly Here" by Lucius Shepard, originally published in
Asimov's SF in 2003. It's reprinted in The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror:
Seventeeth Annual Collection (edited by Ellen Datlow and Kelly Link & Gavin
Grant, published by St Martin's Press in 2004). It's also in Shepard's
collection Trujillo, published in a limited edition hardback by PS
Publishing in the UK last year.
I'll also mention one that's been recommended to me but which I haven't
read - "In Spirit", a novella by Pat Forde published in the September 2002
issue of Analog.
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